RelativityOne Litigation Support Services

Kroll’s Litigation Support team has seasoned digital forensics investigators and Relativity-certified administrators to help your team defensibly preserve evidence and gain valuable insights faster, anywhere in the world.
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With Kroll’s unrivaled investigative and technical expertise at all stages of an engagement’s lifecycle, from collection to the courtroom, hit the ground running and take full advantage of RelativityOne and our partnership. From data migration and user adoption to optimized case setup, analytics, visualization and review, we help increase your efficiency and decrease your overall spend by customizing workflows that fit your processes and avoid time-consuming mistakes.

Your organization would also benefit from Kroll’s unrivaled cyber risk management experience and commitment to data privacy. As a Gartner-recognized digital forensics and incident response leader and a leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Incident Readiness Services 2021, we’ll help establish and refine security practices to keep your data available only to those approved to see it.

Partner Type

Global RelativityOne Services Partner


Relativity Gold
Flexible Scalability: Fully Managed Services
  • Predictable month-over-month costs, with easy-to-understand components and volume pricing
  • Accurate and cost-effective document review
  • Extensive experience transitioning from a wide variety of source environments, including cloud and on-prem platforms, without downtime
  • Optimized case setup, workspace configuration and analysis
  • Investigative capabilities enhanced with advanced data analytics, machine learning and visual data mining expertise
  • Custom workflow development

Global Coverage: Subject Matter Experts and Data Centers Worldwide
  • Data centers available within the U.S., Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, the UAE, and Brazil to host data
  • Nearly 5,000 employees in 70 offices around the world empower our clients to achieve both global and local results
  • Exceptionally efficient remote collections powered by Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE), a powerful tool developed by our experts to assist in finding, collecting and processing evidence
  • Award-winning digital forensics experts help you identify and locate potential evidence, extracting data from diverse devices in a forensically sound manner

Full Spectrum Litigation Support Services
  • Kroll’s end-to-end litigation support experts can collect, analyze, and present your evidence to deliver case-changing insights in litigation, arbitration or disputes
  • When you need an expert witness, the depth and experience of our team can provide the right expert for the right issue—securities, construction, restructuring, AML and KYC, post-M&A disputes and cyber security to name just a few

It’s Not All About Data: The Human Dimension of Litigation Support

Ultimately, Kroll knows that clients and their enterprises are facing significant challenges and pressures when they turn to Kroll’s litigation support services. We take the time to understand your unique situation and customize our RelativityOne services to address your needs and goals—speak with one of our experts today.

Key Areas

Mobile Device Forensics

With a global mobile device forensics team and a proven track record in investigation and litigation support, Kroll enables key digital insights to be accessed quickly and securely.

Cyber Risk Retainer

Kroll delivers more than a typical incident response retainer—secure a true cyber risk retainer with elite digital forensics and incident response capabilities and maximum flexibility for proactive and notification services.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Response and Investigation

In a business email compromise (BEC) attack, fast and decisive response can make a tremendous difference in limiting financial, reputational and litigation risk. With decades of experience investigating BEC scams across a variety of platforms and proprietary forensic tools, Kroll is your ultimate BEC response partner.

Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering

Kroll’s Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering team draws from decades of private and public-sector experience, across all industries, to deliver actionable findings through in-depth technical analysis of benign and malicious code.

Malware and Advanced Persistent Threat Detection

Our expertise allows us to identify and analyze the scope and intent of advanced persistent threats to launch a targeted and effective response.