Portfolio Valuation

Kroll specializes in assisting clients with the valuation of alternative investments, specifically securities and positions for which there are no "active market" quotations.
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Portfolios With Better MSCI ESG Ratings Earned Higher Average Returns Globally - Download ESG and Global Investor Returns Study

ESG and Global Investor Returns Study

Kroll examined the relationship between historical returns of over 13,000 publicly traded companies across a variety of geographies and industries and their ESG ratings to determine the correlation of ESG ratings to company performance.

Download the Study

Create Data-Driven Valuation Intelligence With the Private Equity and Credit Valuation Portal

Kroll Valuation Portal
To learn more about Private Equity and Credit Valuation Portal, Request a Demo.

Valuation demands and complexity are increasing. You need a valuation tool that quickly shows you risks & opportunities. With Kroll's new Private Equity & Credit Valuation Portal, you can simplify portfolio monitoring, get instant valuation results and leverage industry benchmarks.

Request a Demo Today

Financial Instruments and Technology

The Kroll Financial Instruments and Technology practice is a leading solutions provider for asset managers, hedge funds, fund administrators, banks, insurers, private equity firms, commodity trading and investment firms, and corporations.

Secondary Market Advisory Services

As the largest independent valuation advisory firm, Kroll brings extensive industry experience to the secondary market for alternative investments to address the transfer needs of general partners and limited partners.

Regulatory Clarity

Regulatory Clarity is a next generation tool that provides Form ADV monitoring and flagging for fund allocators.