Luis Maluf

Luis Maluf

Managing Director

Luis is a managing director in Fixed Asset Advisory Services practice in Sao Paulo. He has more than 20 years of experience in fixed asset appraisal and management.

Luis is an engineer and is responsible for conducting, managing and coordinating appraisal and analysis of useful lives of machinery, equipment and industrial installations for purposes such as tariff revision, accounting, insurance, buying and selling, among others. Luis also has extensive work experience in management and organization of fixed assets. He has worked in various industries.

Luis has been in his current position since 2010. Prior to joining American Appraisal (now Kroll), Luis worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu - Financial Advisory Services as a senior manager (director).


  • School of Business Administration of Sao Paulo - Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo - MBA in Business Administration, with emphasis in Finance

  • School of Engineering, University Mackenzie, São Paulo - Mechanical Engineer



Valuation of businesses, assets and alternative investments for financial reporting, tax and other purposes.

Fixed Asset Advisory Services

Kroll provides clients the transparency they need by identifying, managing, and valuing their fixed assets.

Fixed Asset Management

Kroll has established best practices in fixed asset management that are recognized across our profession.