Jocelyn Chi

Jocelyn Chi

Managing Director

Jocelyn Chi is a managing director based in the Hong Kong office. She has extensive experience in various forensic, restructuring, insolvency, dispute resolution and investigation assignments throughout Asia including compulsory and voluntary liquidations, IFA, reporting accountant, schemes of arrangement, capital and debt restructurings of private and large publicly listed groups.

Her key experience includes investigating international assets and liabilities, funds flow and assets tracing, analysis of the financial and operational affairs of companies and groups and the associated litigation and professional negligence claims.

Jocelyn also has substantial experience in the forensic investigation and valuation of businesses and matrimonial assets in Hong Kong, PRC and overseas, preparation of Form E and Duxbury calculations and associated reports to court.

Jocelyn has been appointed as Administrator of deceased estates including to undertake investigations and take control of assets pending the Court determinations.

Jocelyn has facilitated investigation assignments for entities in various industries including scrap metal trading, forestry, cold storage, property investment, freight forwarding and logistics, bullion trading, software development and car rental in Hong Kong, PRC, Singapore and internationally.

Professional Affiliations and Academic Qualifications
  • Awarded the Specialist Designation in Insolvency (SD Insolvency) by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Registered Appointment Taker with the Official Receiver’s Office in Hong Kong
  • Member of the Certified Practicing Accountants Australia
  • Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Member of HKICPA Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty
  • Master of Corporate Finance, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Advance Accounting, Monash University, Australia
  • Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting and Finance, Monash University, Australia


  • Asset Tracing
  • Audit and Professional Negligence
  • Estate Administration
  • Expert Testimony
  • Forensic Investigation
  • Matrimonial Disputes


Professional Experience


  • Valuation of a pool of international marital assets with a value of over HK$650 million in respect of substantial contested divorce proceedings in Hong Kong.
  • Appointed by the trustee of a family trust as directors of a trust entity holding a controlling interest in a Hong Kong listed company with principal operations in PRC.  Our work involved tracing of fund flows of HK$650 million in Hong Kong, PRC and Macau associated with the family trust and sitting on the board of directors of the listed company to facilitate resumption of trading in the shares on the Stock Exchange.


  • Expert forensic accountant to investigate whether a Hong Kong listed company and / or persons connected with it had made false or misleading disclosure in its IPO Prospectus.
  • Investigations and substantial asset tracing exercise involving the review of over 500 transactions totalling over US$200 million.


  • Joint and Several Liquidators of Gatecoin, a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange. Key aspects of our work include identifying, securing and realising crypto-assets, including Bitcoin and Ethereum tokens. This is the first liquidation of a cryptocurrency exchange in Hong Kong.
  • Provisional Liquidator and subsequently Liquidator of one of the largest scrap metal recycling companies in PRC, listed in Hong Kong, following an application by the Securities and Futures Commission to wind up the listed company on grounds of public interest pursuant to section 212 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
  • Liquidator to a Cayman holding company listed in Hong Kong, which Group was engaged in the business of forest management and timber harvesting in PRC, focusing on the management and sustainable development of forests, upstream timber harvesting and the sale of logs. Our work included funds flow tracing of funds raised by the Company exceeding HK$5 billion by way of debt and equity fund raisings between 2009 and 2011 and commencing legal proceedings against the company’s former CEO and former auditors (a “Big 4” firm) in Hong Kong.
  • Liquidators to a BVI holding company following a US$37m bond default. The Company’s primary assets are 66 restaurants in 30 PRC cities.

Hong Kong Court’s Landmark Decision on the Treatment of Cryptocurrency as Trust or Company’s Assets

Hong Kong Court’s Landmark Decision on the Treatment of Cryptocurrency as Trust or Company’s Assets

Jocelyn Chi and Anson Li, managing directors in Kroll’s Global Restructuring team, are the joint and several liquidators of Gatecoin (“Liquidators”) appointed by the High Court of Hong Kong SAR (“HK Court”).

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Financial and operational restructuring and enforcement of security, including investigation, preservation and realization of assets for investors, lenders and companies.

Expert Services

Independent expert analysis, testimony, advice and investigations for complex disputes and projects.

Cross Border Insolvency

Assisting stakeholders, including creditors, investors and management, to identify solutions in contentious situations.

Bankruptcy Litigation and Solvency Disputes

Expertise in disputes involving fraud, valuation, solvency, governance, plan treatment, and avoidance actions in the bankruptcy or insolvency context.