Global Enforcement of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation: Shift in Focus
by Monique Melis, Hannah Rossiter, Malin Nilsson, Aaron Weiss
Tue, May 25, 2021
Market Participants Encouraged to Switch to SONIA
FCA Restricts from Undertaking Regulated Activities
A Forward Look at Regulation of the UK’s Wholesale Financial Markets
FCA Starts Criminal Proceedings Against a Retail and Commercial Bank
Why Are Diversity and Inclusion Regulatory Issues?
Update on Trial Dates in Criminal Cases
FCA Releases a Statement on Its Approach to the UK’s Derivatives Trading Obligation
Liquidity Management in UK Open-Ended Funds
FCA Publishes a Decision Notice for Non-Financial Misconduct
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Alert
Regulating the UK as a Global Financial Centre
A Peer Review of the UK Remuneration Regime Published by the Financial Stability Board (FSB)
FCA Bans and Fines Individual for Lack of Honesty and Integrity
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With expertise in diverse regulatory frameworks, including the FCA, the SEC, AMF, SFC, MAS and more, Kroll offers practical support, from initial authorization to ongoing compliance support.
by Monique Melis, Hannah Rossiter, Malin Nilsson, Aaron Weiss
by Monique Melis, Mark Turner, Sebastien Petsas, Matt Austen
by Colleen Corwell, Hannah Rossiter, Alasdair Putt, Eoin Devlin, Rose Kaufman, Dimitri Parraud, Ana D. Petrovic, Andrew Poole, Rajiv Philip, Gurpreet Kaur, Josh Parker, Karar Kadhim, Kyle Larson
by Colleen Corwell, Yulia Kalk, Ginny Voos, Steven Hurwitz, Charbel Hajj