Fri, Mar 8, 2024

What Is MXDR and Why Do You Need It?

MXDR vs Legacy Managed Services

Legacy Managed Services

One complete, turnkey solution, ensuring consolidated security data

Often delivered via multiple fragmented toolsets, with long implementation and integration timelines

Allows the monitoring of data across many different sources for greater visibility and more complete threat detection

Visibility limited to a select group of toolsets, with many providers having limited specialist expertise and critical telemetry blind spots

Fully outsourced detection and response, reducing the burden on security teams

Deep analysis and response tasks may have to be managed in-house, adding to the work of internal security teams

One complete “pane of glass” provides a more immediate overview of security status

Disparate, siloed security systems can mean delays in threat alerting and response

Harnesses automation to accelerate triage and remediation of issues, reducing the mean time to detect and respond to threats

Inconsistent use of automation may mean that false positives multiply and risk remediation is delayed

Enriches alerting by contextualizing large volumes of data collected and analyzed from across many different sources 

Alerts are often “passed over the wall,” with limited context, requiring additional triage before they are actionable

Kroll Responder MDR

Stop cyberattacks. Kroll Responder managed detection and response is fueled by seasoned IR experts and frontline threat intelligence to deliver unrivaled response.

Kroll Responder MDR for Microsoft Security

Kroll Responder managed detection and response for Microsoft delivers enriched telemetry, frontline threat intelligence and Complete Response capabilities to maximize the value of your native endpoint and cloud technology.

MDR for Microsoft 365

Immediately elevate your Office 365 security with 24x7 monitoring, analysis, and automated response using Kroll Responder for Office 365. Detect and respond to threats targeting email, Sharepoint, and third-party plugins leveraging frontline threat intelligence.