Fri, Nov 27, 2020

Global Processes With Local Support Help a Canadian Company Manage a Data Breach

Brian Lapidus

Kroll was able to leverage its experience and expertise to ensure a smooth breach notification implementation, seamlessly collaborating with the client and outside counsel as new challenges occurred to deliver positive results to both those impacted and the client itself.

Watch Brian Lapidus, Managing Director and Global Identity Theft and Breach Notification Practice Leader of Kroll’s Cyber Risk practice, recount this case and how his team was able to provide triage for the affected organization.

Cyber Risk

Incident response, digital forensics, breach notification, managed detection services, penetration testing, cyber assessments and advisory.

Identity Theft and Breach Notification

Services include drafting communications, full-service mailing, alternate notifications.

Identity Monitoring

Kroll’s unique combination of identity monitoring services can detect more types of identity theft than credit monitoring alone, providing practical help to combat identity theft and fraud.

Data Breach Call Center Services

A notification letter can generate lots of questions for those affected by a data breach. Kroll’s call center services are provided by skilled representatives who know how to handle difficult questions and stand at the ready to serve your breached population.

Identity Theft Restoration

Kroll provides your breach population with direct access to investigative experts for live support and best practice advice, as well as identity restoration should they become victims of identity theft.

Credit Monitoring

Credit monitoring can be a powerful tool to offer in the wake of a data breach. Kroll provides a monitoring alert system that’s backed by the expertise of our licensed investigator team.