Richard Kerr

Richard Kerr

Senior Director, Technology Expert

Richard Kerr is a senior director in the Data Insights and Forensics practice, based in the London office. He is an expert independent advisor specializing in the rectification and avoidance of problematic technology, outsourcing and transformational-change implementations. Richard has over 30 years of experience in areas spanning local and central government, police, healthcare, hospitality, charities and third sector, telecommunications, manufacturing, wholesale and distribution, financial services, private finance initiative, education, joint ventures and strategic partnerships.

Prior to joining Kroll, Richard was a director at IT Group, which was acquired by Kroll in 2020.

Richard is an experienced turnaround consultant, with a particular specialism in IT software projects, outsourcing and technology–enabled business change. He has been involved in more than 200 cases, including many high-profile private- and public-sector commercial matters where technology-enabled projects have either been delayed, have failed or are no longer viable.

Richard’s experience and expert advisory includes reports and testimony for all stages of the technology and project life cycle including litigation, exit and transition, dispute resolution and avoidance, mediation, evidence gathering, project recoveries, relationship resets, negotiations, “health checks,” contractual and commercial reviews, robust sourcing and procurement (both Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and non-OJEU), and a wide array of due-diligence and forensic exercises.

Richard is regularly instructed to advise before situations become litigious to give independent insight on the strengths and weaknesses of a matter in distress, and advise on the best options to overcome technical, delivery and contract issues. For non-litigious projects, Richard advises on both creating and resetting business and delivery relationships to enable high trust and high performance, while also ensuring that the grey areas that trigger litigation are clarified during these processes. In problematic situations, this often means a “win-win” with no need for litigation on those occasions where things cannot be turned around.

For projects earlier in the life cycle, Richard applies lessons learned, frameworks and advisory in an integrated way so that the usual causes of project failure and dispute are avoided. This is effective at all stages of the sourcing, implementation and relationship life cycle including procurement, contracting, design, testing, project management, contracts management, relationship management, dispute avoidance, dispute resolution, business change and transformation.

Richard is also an advisor to the Standish Group, a global thought leader and research body that specializes in identifying and resolving root causes of major IT project failure.

Data Insights and Forensics

We are the leading advisors to organizations, providing expertise and solutions to address complex risks and challenges involving technology and data. We advise clients with services to address risks in disputes, investigations and regulatory compliance.

Technology Expert Services

Our team has decades of experience serving as independent advisors, and our client-focused approach and deep technical expertise allows us to work across a spectrum of technologies, industries and data issues.

Expert Services

Independent expert analysis, testimony, advice and investigations for complex disputes and projects.

Investigations and Disputes

World-wide expert services and tech-enabled advisory through all stages of diligence, forensic investigation, litigation, disputes and testimony.

Information Management and Governance

Governance to Harmonize Multiple Information Disciplines, Merging Security and Productivity

Forensic Investigations and Intelligence

The Kroll Investigations, Diligence and Compliance team consists of experts in forensic investigations and intelligence, delivering actionable data and insights that help clients worldwide make critical decisions and mitigate risk.