Mark Bobber is a managing director and leader of the firm's U.S. Fixed Asset Advisory Services practice. Mark is located in the Milwaukee office and has over 20 years of experience serving manufacturers, telecommunication leaders, universities, healthcare systems, and state and local governments.
Mark Bobber is a managing director and leader of the firm's U.S. Fixed Asset Advisory Services practice. Mark is located in the Milwaukee office and has over 20 years of experience serving manufacturers, telecommunication leaders, universities, healthcare systems, and state and local governments.
Under fixed assets, Mark oversees teams that perform fixed asset inventory and reconciliation, IT asset inventory tracking, property management consulting, building componentization, baseline asset inventory services and property record outsourcing. These services develop accurate fixed asset records to satisfy Sarbanes-Oxley compliance; GAAFR; GAAP; IFRS; federal grant reporting; property management; insurance; reimbursement determination; and internal planning requirements.
Under insurance appraisal services, Mark also oversees teams that perform building insurance appraisal and inspections, equipment/personal property insurance appraisal and inventory, risk pool appraisals, property insurance appraisal updating services and eRisk and web-based reporting. Mark also has expertise in market value studies for mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and other divestitures within the healthcare community.
Mark has given numerous presentations on fixed asset management for Financial Executives International (FEI), Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), and the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
Mark joined American Appraisal (now Kroll) in 1997. He holds a B.A. in environmental policy and planning from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay. Prior to joining Kroll, Mark was an insurance associate for Aflac.
Valuation of businesses, assets and alternative investments for financial reporting, tax and other purposes.
Kroll provides clients the transparency they need by identifying, managing, and valuing their fixed assets.