In collaboration with early-warning risk intelligence provider, Crisp, we asked communications leaders about the evolving risk landscape and how they are dealing with increasing threats to their corporate reputation posed by the accelerated sharing of information online.

Issues such as disinformation campaigns by rivals or short sellers and misguided social media commentary are impacting organizations in a variety of ways. Communications leaders and their organizations are now under increasing pressure to proactively manage alarming digital chatter to quickly assess the legitimacy and accuracy of the issue, and take swift action where appropriate.

Key findings include

  • Social media is now considered a top corporate risk among communications leaders, exceeding cyber threats, extreme weather and supply chain disruptions
  • 94% of respondents say the speed of digital chatter has reduced the time available to respond to risks
  • 93% say the most significant consequence of identifying and responding to a risk too late is damage to corporate reputation

Misinformation Investigations

Helping clients deal with risks in the digital domain – fake news, misinformation and responding in a crisis.

Reputational Risk

Kroll is a leader in helping companies identify and mitigate the risks that can be fostered by inappropriate behavior and hidden weaknesses in the organizational culture.

Forensic Investigations and Intelligence

The Kroll Investigations, Diligence and Compliance team consists of experts in forensic investigations and intelligence, delivering actionable data and insights that help clients worldwide make critical decisions and mitigate risk.