Webcast Replay – Breaking Down Threat Modelling Barriers in Agile AppSec

October 13, 2022 | (Online)
Webcast Breaking Down Threat Modelling Barriers in Agile AppSec
Watch the Webcast Replay

Watch our webcast Breaking Down Threat Modeling Barriers in Agile AppSec. In this webcast, we explore why threat modeling is often misunderstood—or worse, neglected—in agile product engineering.

Rahul examines and breaks down common barriers that product teams have been exposed to and that have caused threat modeling to be overlooked. In course of this webcast, Rahul outlines common threat modeling mistakes, compares the two most common threat modeling approaches and shares a route to better test case design and automation.

This  webcast covers:

  • Why Threat Model?
  • Common Reasons for Failure
  • Threat Modeling Schools of Thought
  • Threat Modeling and Security Testing

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Kroll’s product security experts upscale your AppSec program with strategic application security services catered to your team’s culture and needs, merging engineering and security into a nimble unit.

Application Threat Modeling Services

Kroll helps development teams design and build internal application threat modeling programs to identify and manage their most pressing vulnerabilities.

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Proactively identify your highest-risk exposures and address key gaps in your security posture. As the No. 1 Incident Response provider, Kroll leverages frontline intelligence from 3000+ IR cases a year with adversary intel from deep and dark web sources to discover unknown exposures and validate defenses.

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Kroll’s multi-layered approach to cloud security consulting services merges our industry-leading team of AWS and Azure-certified architects, cloud security experts and unrivalled incident expertise.

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Incident response, digital forensics, breach notification, managed detection services, penetration testing, cyber assessments and advisory.