Bruce Cartwright, Managing Director, Property Tax, and Caroline (Sieber) Walters, Director, Valuation Advisory Services, will be speaking at the Electric Utility Consultants Inc. (EUCI) webinar on “Renewable Energy Appraisals and Cost Segregation.”
This one and a half day symposium, held on November 18-19, will examine the dominant appraisal methodologies applied to renewable energy projects. It will review the income approach, dissecting salient features that drive the measures relied on for transaction negotiations and execution. The program will also distinguish appraisal nuances among the various classes of renewable energy project types, as well as accounting for differences in used, mature and re-powering assets vs. new project assets. Finally, it will consider what boundaries roles that different parties – project developers, investors and sponsors, lenders and advisors – play in the formulation of a sound, enduring appraisal.
EUCI is authorized by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Trainings to offer 1.0 CEUs for this event.
Click here for more details and to register for the event.