The Cyber Risk practice of Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps, is proud to sponsor and speak at the advanced forum on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and foreign investment for critical technology, infrastructure and data. Kroll will join leading professionals from government, finance and legal to discuss the new CFIUS rules and updates to the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA) and the best practices for businesses to remain compliant and how to not miss out on valuable investment opportunities.
Samuel Jacobs, Associate Managing Director in the Cyber Risk practice of Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps, will highlight the significance of protecting important infrastructures such as airports, data hubs and military bases and how it affects property rights.
As the scope for national security expands, organizations will increasingly fall under a regulatory microscope. Samuel will explore U.S. regulations, foreign direct investment screening policies and share the best practices for maintaining a national security-based investment screening framework.
Topic: Location is Everything – Understanding Critical Infrastructure and “Covered Real Estate” as Defined by Regulations