Keith Novak Addresses Cyber Risk at New Jersey’s League Municipalities Conference 2019

November 19 - 21, 2019 | (Conference)
Atlantic City Convention Center, One Convention Boulevard, Atlantic City , NJ - 08401 , Countries

The 104th annual New Jersey State League of Municipalities (NJLM) Conference hosts thousands of decision makers from New Jersey and offers an invaluable learning experience and platform, to share ideas, products and solutions. This year, Keith Novak, Associate Managing Director in the Cyber Risk practice of Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps, will join a discussion on the cyber threat landscape, defending against ransomware and common pitfalls to avoid when a decision is made to pay the ransom.

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Local governments and their departments are guardians of confidential data and information, making them an ever-growing target of ransomware attacks. It is no longer a question of whether an organization will be attacked, but when and to what extent. With 4,000 ransomware attacks occurring daily and 400,000 new ransomware strains being deployed at the same pace, ransomware is the biggest cyber security threat for municipalities and businesses.

Key discussion topics:

  • The 2019 threat landscape
  • Safeguarding client data and breach notification
  • How to avoid a ransomware attack?
  • Response options available to a ransomware attack
  • When should you and how do you pay ransom?
  • Pitfalls even when ransom is paid
  • Insurance coverage and loss concerns

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