London International Disputes Week 2019

May 7 - 10, 2019 | (Conference)
21 Tudor Street, London , EC4Y 0DJ , United Kingdom

London International Disputes Week 2019 

May 2019 marks the inaugural London International Disputes Week, bringing together legal practitioners from around the world to celebrate the heritage of London as a disputes center and to consider the future of global dispute resolution.

Howard Cooper, Managing Director Business Intelligence and Investigations at Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps, will be taking part in the day one panel discussion, "Fraud, Asset Tracing and International Enforcement".

About the session:

The courts of England and Wales have the most powerful weapons and the greatest willingness internationally to assist victims of fraud, whether domestic or foreign. This session will explore how those powers can be used to assist not only victims of fraud but also domestic and foreign judgment and award creditors to locate, freeze and recover assets anywhere in the world.

In a mixed format session, leading practitioners will relay their experiences, summarize the very latest techniques available and provide vital insights to those who wish to maximize recoveries for themselves or their clients, explaining how the English courts can help even where there is limited connection to the UK.

Learn more.

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Independent expert analysis, testimony, advice and investigations for complex disputes and projects.

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