Mergermarket Italian M&A and Private Equity Forum 2018

October 24, 2018 | (Conference)
Principe Di Savoia, Milan , Countries

Managing Director Marianna Vintadis will be speaking at the Mergermarket Italian M&A and Private Equity Forum discussing Cross-Border M&A Deals and Trends.

Learn more about Mergermarket Italian M&A and Private Equity Forum

Schedule: October 24, 8:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (CEST)

Topics will include:

  • Italian M&A has started to show signs of stress in places due to a populist turn in Italian politics with parties differing on their stances towards fiscal policy and EU membership.
  • Domestic activity has fallen of late, below 2015's records, however foreign companies seem unperturbed to make mega acquisitions.  
  • Will Italy remain an attractive target for foreign investors or will political instability affect investment?
  • Are Chinese investors moving away from German assets to pursue Italian start-ups to fund innovation?
  • M&A insurance market expansion in the offering of risk transfer solution to investors (foreign and domestic) in domestic targets

About the Event:

At the Italian M&A and Private Equity Forum, now in its 11th year, dealmakers will discuss how to navigate an uncertain landscape to find investment  opportunities amongst a network of senior M&A professionals.