Understanding the evolving corruption landscape from FIFA bribes to corrupt capital flows is crucial for effective risk mitigation. This forum aims to provide a platform to explore the latest bribery and corruption risks as they are relevant to financial services businesses, especially in light of recent data leaks. This event provides the latest intelligence, strategies and tactics to successfully prepare and protect against the increasing sophistication and prevalence of bribery and corruption.
Schedule: 08:45 a.m. – 01:00 p.m. (BST)
Kroll’s William Scott-Gall and Alexander MacQueen will be discussing the Identification of Red Flags and Responding to Regulatory Action at the JIBS Events Anti-Bribery and Corruption (half-day) Forum.
Topics will include:
Identifying the UBO
Sources of wealth and source of funds
Managing high risk clients
Common methods of concealing corrupt payments
Forensic review of a “red flag” transaction and sources of wealth
Managing reputational issues from a client perspective