Mon, Nov 11, 2019

Imran Jaswal Discusses Third-Party Cyber Risk with CyberInsecurity News

With 60% of cyber security breaches attributed to third-party vendors, it is no longer enough for organizations to only secure their internally controlled infrastructure and services. They must diligently evaluate the security policies and procedures of their vendors. The average cost to remediate a third-party breach is $7.5 million. Therefore, conducting a security assessment is essential to gathering the information and documentation needed to ensure vendors selected have the proper security mechanisms in place.

Imran Jaswal, Managing Director in our CyberClarity360 team, discusses the prudence of having cyber experts assess third-party vendors. He also offers his insights on how the partnership between CyberClarity360 and RiskRecon will help mitigate third-party cyber risk in an interview with CyberInsecurity News.

Read the full article here.