The Valuation Digital Solutions team is proud to announce that two of our papers are being recognized in the Best Asset Allocation Paper category at the 2021 Savvy Investor Awards. The firm was recognized for the following papers:
- International Guide to Cost of Capital (2021 Summary Edition): The CFA Institute Research Foundation presents the first edition of the International Guide to Cost of Capital Summary Edition (IGCC) from Duff & Phelps, A Kroll Business. Estimating a proper cost of capital (i.e., a discount rate) in developed countries, where a relative abundance of market data and comparable companies exist, requires a high degree of expertise. Estimating cost of capital in less-developed (i.e., “emerging”) economies can present an even greater challenge. This guide decomposes “country risk” into underlying components (political, economic and financial risk) that investors face when investing in different countries and provides investors with a wealth of data and information on developing discount rates globally, which is intended to assist investment professionals as they undertake their roles. Read more.
- Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation (2021 Summary Edition): The 2021 Summary Edition of Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation presented by the CFA Institute Research Foundation on behalf of Duff & Phelps, A Kroll Business will assist investment professionals in their comprehension of asset class returns, how returns are calculated and how other factors such as size, liquidity and value/growth impact long-term returns. This edition includes interpretive analysis and insights up to end-December 2020, and it is aimed at increasing the global investment community's knowledge and understanding of quantitative investment strategies. Read more.
Every year Savvy Investor curates and uploads over 10,000 articles and papers into its platform. Among this universe, a very small sample of publications are recognized annually with Savvy Awards, highlighting quality, cutting edge, and deeply engaging thought leadership for the investment community. As the leading content hub for institutional investors, the Savvy Investor Awards were designed to help to affirm or establish authors and firms as true thought leaders within the industry. The Awards are entirely merit based and do not take account any commercial relationships between Savvy Investor and the authoring companies.
Read more about the Savvy Investor Awards and this year’s winners here. For the papers recognized in the Best Asset Allocation Paper awards, click here.