
Kroll helps clients mitigate and respond to the risks associated with international anti-corruption legislation.
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Anti-Bribery and Corruption Program Design and Implementation

Recent enforcement actions along with new country-specific legislation have created an increasingly complex regulatory landscape. It is not enough to simply follow guidance on complying with the Foreign Corruption Practices Act (FCPA) or the UK Bribery Act (UKBA). Multi-national corporations now need to put in place best practices to address a myriad of newer worldwide anti-bribery and corruption laws. Kroll offers consultative services to assess potential risks within existing programs and to design, set-up, and implement new anti-corruption compliance programs, taking into consideration the complex and unique regulations across the world.

Due Diligence Wizard Tool

Determine which due diligence product best fits your needs.

Maritime Due Diligence

Know-Your-Vessel Compliance and Due Diligence.

Supply Chain Vendor Screening and Due Diligence Services

Identifying, assessing, mitigating and monitoring third-party risk in modern supply chains

Third Party and Vendor Screening

Supporting corporate third-party management programs to drive risk-based due diligence decisions.