Threat Exposure and Validation

Kroll’s field-proven cyber security assessment and testing solutions help identify, evaluate and prioritize risks to people, data, operations and technologies worldwide.
Talk to a Cyber Expert

Prioritizing your most critical vulnerabilities and security exposures is a constant effort, alongside staying ahead of fast-changing adversary techniques, tactics and procedures (TTPs). Find, fix and validate vulnerabilities faster with exposure management solutions from Kroll to proactively assess the security of your data, systems and processes.

From advanced digital risk protection to intelligence-led pen testing, we apply our unrivaled insight into today’s most significant cyber risks to provide greater visibility of gaps in your security and enable you to prioritize improvements quickly and effectively. Count on Kroll for impartial, technology-agnostic and highly targeted assessments proven to deliver better security outcomes.

Kroll Threat Exposure Management

We combine the collaborative efforts of our offensive security, threat intelligence and risk assessment teams with our unrivaled exposure to 3,000+ incident response (IR) cases annually to:

  • Find and fix key vulnerabilities seamlessly and in alignment with your organization’s increasing attack surface
  • Identify previously undiscovered exposures across your digital footprint and reduce your attack surface at all levels 
  • Apply practitioner-led, adversary-driven red teaming and pen testing using TTPs gained through our experience as the world’s No. 1 IR provider to bring customized, real-life attack simulations to your unique environment 
  • Provide critical security insight and accelerate security monitoring through purple teaming engagements that deliver an almost 50% average increase in detection coverage
  • Address detection and response gaps as well as update security procedures, policies and technical controls

Why Organizations Trust us to Identify Exposures and Validate Defenses


Kroll IR cases per year fuel our attack simulations


Average increase in our clients’ detection coverage


Industry security certifications
Strategic Security Fixes—Proven to Work

Strategic Security Fixes—Proven to Work

Finding what to fix is now a critical challenge for CISOs. The attack surface continues to broaden and diversify as the number of unknown assets grows, creating an unpatchable layer of exposure for organizations. Visibility and discoverability are limited; yet, with businesses under pressure to achieve more with less, large-scale vulnerability management programs are not appropriate, as well as often out of pace with the latest TTPs. More mature organizations need to validate their controls and policies beyond compliance mandates. Companies also require more hands-on support, especially during the critical stage immediately after incidents and risk assessments.

Targeted Security Assessments

Exposure management solutions from Kroll allow you to identify where exposures are, validate the effectiveness of your defenses and implement new or updated controls. Precisely target your choice of assessments to specific areas of concern or potential vulnerability with capabilities that enable you to test specific products, apps or software, not just sections of your network.

Our approach to exposure management drives continuous improvement by constantly adapting and adjusting our assessments to ensure that they meet not only changing security conditions but also evolving business priorities. This includes pen testing engagements that are continuous and fully product-focused, allowing you to address security risks in real time. Our broad-ranging solutions, extensive frontline experience and in-depth knowledge of adversaries and their behavior ensure that you can precisely find and fix vulnerabilities in your exposure layer at pace, while maximizing your security investment.

Kroll’s enterprise security risk management experts also provide physical security assessments, routinely conducted at corporate headquarters, executive residences, facilities, offices and more. Click here for more details.



Our Approach to Reducing Your Threat Exposure

Identify Where Your Exposures Are
Validate How Effective Your Defenses Are
Implement New or Updated Controls

Kroll’s Digital Risk Protection services monitor your surface, deep and dark web footprint to continuously uncover exposures and emerging threats such as data leakage, brand misuse and compromised accounts, malicious domains and third-party risks. We also identify internet-facing enterprise assets and vulnerabilities such as open ports, software patching issues, vulnerable servers, exposed credentials, dark web disclosures and third-party partner software code vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries.

Kroll’s penetration testing, red teaming and purple teaming services combine automated and practitioner-led testing using TTPs gained from our unrivaled exposure to 3,000+ IR cases a year to bring customized simulations to your environment and help plug detection and response gaps.

Our vCISO and advisory services enable prioritized implementation of controls, policies and processes from strategic initiatives such as policy design and risk reduction plans, to more focused initiatives such as security awareness training and system hardening.

Advance Cyber Preparedness with a 24x7 Cyber Risk Retainer

Kroll delivers more than a typical incident response retainer. Secure a true cyber risk retainer with elite digital forensics and incident response capabilities and maximum flexibility for proactive and notification services.

Maximize your security impact and investment with a fully customizable cyber risk retainer that delivers even more than advanced incident response capabilities. With the majority of Kroll clients leveraging their retainer credits towards preparedness, validation and assessments, a Kroll cyber risk retainer enables organizations to stay ahead of changing security conditions.

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Intelligence-Led Validation and Testing for Continuous Improvement

Security validation is a critical aspect of achieving true cyber maturity in today’s complex threat landscape. However, to be effective, it must be frequent, driven by business operations and security strategy, and capable of delivering measurable improvements. Testing should be built around specific scenarios and guided by business workflows and threat intelligence.

While testing led by up-to-date intelligence is already an aspect of meeting regulatory frameworks such as DORA and OSFI I-CRT, it is likely to be required by others in the near future. At Kroll, our approach to testing and validation is driven by strategy and threat intelligence, rather than by compliance mandates alone, making our threat exposure services more business-focused, insightful and impactful.

Adapt to the Changing Threat Landscape with Seamless Support

In a fast-moving threat environment, traditional security approaches that rely purely on ad-hoc testing and long periods of scoping and approval put organizations at risk. Our proven track record and experience of working in partnership with leading businesses mean that we can move more quickly, simplifying and streamlining the process of uncovering and addressing exposures and vulnerabilities. Unlike the gaps in knowledge and delays associated with traditional approaches, our end-to-end solutions significantly shorten the time it takes to find and fix vulnerabilities.

How Offensive Security is Changing

Determined by compliance
Driven by security strategy
Focused on standards
Built around attack scenarios/intel
Long scoping and approval
More seamless process
Ad-hoc testing
Continuous testing

Why Kroll?

Kroll delivers end-to-end cybersecurity solutions quickly and seamlessly, anywhere in the world. Our experts provide rapid response to more than 3,000 cyber incidents of all types annually. With years of public and private sector experience and law enforcement service, our cybersecurity experts can provide invaluable leadership at any point in the cyber risk continuum. Kroll is also a preferred/approved cybersecurity vendor for more than 50 cyber insurance carriers, including some of the largest underwriters in the world.

360-degree Perspective

By teaming up with Kroll to review your data systems and processes regularly or when you make changes, additions or upgrades, you benefit from Kroll’s unique 360-degree view of cyber risk.

Industry-leading Expertise

Kroll assessments are conducted by consultants with unrivaled business acumen, human insight and technical expertise. Our team collectively holds more than 100 industry certifications, including CISA, CRISC, CISSP, PFI, QSA, GPEN and CREST.

Truly Tech-agnostic

Kroll is fully technology-agnostic, reflecting our longstanding reputation as a trusted impartial advisor, investigator and factfinder. This ensures that we deliver the most effective exposure management approach, customized to your existing technology stack, system requirements and maturity level.

Targeted Testing

Kroll’s system assessments provide targeted, pragmatic testing and validation and insights for proactive or remedial strategies—from a regular component in your defensible cybersecurity program to acquisition due diligence, or when recovering from an incident and the need to harden security is greater than ever.

Intelligence-driven Engagements

Basing security validation and testing on compliance requirements alone creates the risk of overlooking key issues and is no longer the best industry standard, which is why Kroll’s approach is defined and guided by strategy and threat intelligence.

Included in the Kroll Cyber Risk Retainer

Kroll exposure management solutions are also included as part of a wide range of proactive services available through our client-friendly cyber risk retainers for maximum value.

Explore Our Security Validation and Assessment Services

  • Vulnerability and Penetration Testing

    Kroll’s CREST-certified experts simulate attacks on your data ecosystem using the same techniques that real-world hackers deploy to gain access to digital assets. Common targets include the internet perimeter, internal and external network infrastructure, cloud services, websites, databases, web and mobile applications and even your employees. We can structure blue, red or purple team exercises with the ultimate objective of identifying weaknesses and test technical, operational and cultural controls to provide actionable recommendations to strengthen overall security and resilience.
  • Email and Cloud Security Assessments 

    From our global casework, we know that cloud implementations including Microsoft 365 have proved to be the Achilles’ heel in many cybersecurity programs. Kroll’s cloud security assessments will evaluate technical security controls in place, such as firewalls, intrusion detection solutions, antivirus software and log management.

  • We also examine security management processes such as policy development and adherence, analytics on collected security data and data classification programs.
  • Incident Response Plans and Tabletop Exercises

    Our field-proven IR tabletop exercise scenarios are customized to test all aspects of your response plan and mature your program.


  • Ransomware Preparedness

    Drawing on our extensive experience with ransomware investigations, Kroll has distilled 14 crucial security areas and ransomware attack vectors that organizations should examine to identify where their defenses are strong and where vulnerabilities exist.
  • Regulatory and Standards-Based Assessments

    Merging legal and technical expertise, Kroll's Cyber Risk Assessments evaluate and map existing controls to a wide range of regulatory frameworks, such as HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, NY DFS, CMMC, NY SHIELD and industry standards such as ISO 27001, NIST 800-53 and CIS Top 18.
  • Web Application Security Assessments

    In addition to examining web applications for inherent security flaws and vulnerabilities, Kroll can also identify if any developers, internal or third-party, have inadvertently left critical code exposed on cloud-based repositories like GitHub, Bitbucket and Gitlab.
  • Data Mapping and Inventory

    Beyond providing the foundational knowledge for a true look at the state of your systems, Kroll’s privacy data mapping and inventory can shed a light on the location of sensitive and regulated data that may have arisen out of sight and out of your control in your organization.

Talk to a Kroll Expert

Kroll is ready to help, 24x7. Use the links on this page to explore our services further or speak to a Kroll expert today via our 24x7 cyber hotlines or our contact page. 

Penetration Testing Services

Validate your cyber defenses against real-world threats. Kroll’s world-class penetration testing services bring together front-line threat intelligence, thousands of hours of cyber security assessments completed each year and a team of certified cyber experts — the foundation for our sophisticated and scalable approach.

Web Application Penetration Testing Services

Assess the design, configuration and implementation of your web apps for critical vulnerabilities. Kroll’s scalable pen testing services consider the business case and logic of your apps, providing more coverage and an optimized program based on risk.

API Penetration Testing Services

Kroll’s certified pen testers find vulnerabilities in your APIs that scanners simply can’t identify. Protect your business and keep sensitive data secure by leveraging our knowledge and experience in testing modern API infrastructures.

Agile Penetration Testing Program

Integrated into your software development lifecycle (SDLC), Kroll’s agile penetration testing program is designed to help teams address security risks in real time and on budget.

Cloud Penetration Testing Services

Kroll’s team of certified cloud pen testers uncover vulnerabilities in your cloud environment and apps before they can be compromised by threat actors.

Application Security Services

Kroll’s product security experts upscale your AppSec program with strategic application security services catered to your team’s culture and needs, merging engineering and security into a nimble unit.

Red Team Security Services

Red team security services from Kroll go beyond traditional penetration testing, leveraging our frontline threat intelligence and the adversarial mindset used by threat actors to push the limits of your information security controls.

Application Threat Modeling Services

Kroll helps development teams design and build internal application threat modeling programs to identify and manage their most pressing vulnerabilities.

Cyber Risk Retainer

Kroll delivers more than a typical incident response retainer—secure a true cyber risk retainer with elite digital forensics and incident response capabilities and maximum flexibility for proactive and notification services.