Mon, Jan 14, 2019

Belt up for the ride!

What's the biggest risk event that you're watching out for, as a business leader, in 2019?

There are significant geopolitical events expected in Asia-Pacific in 2019 that global investors should watch closely. With India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand all scheduled to hold national elections in the coming months, business leaders should consider the risk of how these elections will impact economic policy making, and market sentiment, in the region. While most reckon that these elections will change little at the top, investors should not expect any major market liberalization or policy reforms in the coming months, nor at the same time, for fiscal largesse towards those at the bottom of the wealth pyramid to be stepped up. This could prove challenging in a region where corporate and bank balance sheets are highly leveraged but economies are growing more slowly than expected.

The full article was published on The Business Times on January 14, 2019.

Download the article here.

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